FNHA First Nations Health Counselling Benefits
BC First Nations Health Benefits provides coverage for clients to attend virtual and in-person counselling sessions with an approved First Nations Health Authority FNHA Mental Health Provider (our counsellors).
Our counsellors are approved First Nations Health Authority FNHA counsellors and could direct bill FNHA for your convenience (you don't have to pay anything). We can assist you to apply for the funding.
First Nations Health Benefits is available to First Nations people with Indian status who live in BC. The Benefits is also available to infants (up to 24 months) if at least one parent is eligible for the program.
The Benefits also fund:
How do I enroll in First Nations Health Benefits Plan?
Please call Health Benefits at 1-855-550-5454 or visit https://www.fnha.ca/benefits/eligibility
How do I register for Indian status?
Please go to How to apply for a status card on the Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) website: https://www.canada.ca/en/indigenous-services-canada.html