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Crime Victim Assistance Program CVAP Counselling Benefits

A crime could impact your life with both physical and psychological trauma which requires professional medical attention. In all Canadian Provinces, Crime Victim Assistance Program CVAP benefits cover counselling sessions if you are a victim, immediate family member or witness of a crime.

Our Counsellors are Approved CVAP Provider and we will direct bill CVAP (you do not have to pay anything). We can assist you to apply for the funding.

CVAP benefits fund counselling hours for victims, immediate family members, witnesses

CVAP also covers many important benefits such as:

For Victims of crime:

-Medical and dental services
-Prescription drug expenses
-Protective measures
-Replacement of damaged or destroyed eyeglasses, clothing and disability aids
-Childcare and homemaker services
-Disability aids and related disability expenses or services
-Support for a child born because of a crime
-Vocational services
-Income support or lost earning capacity
-Transportation and related expenses
-Crime scene cleaning

For Immediate Family Members:

-Prescription drugs
-Crime scene cleaning
-Travel costs for the family of a deceased victim

For Witness of crime:

-Prescription drugs
-Transportation to attend counselling
-Crime scene cleaning

Our Counsellors could assist you in your application: call 1-866-660-3888 OR complete an online form and email the CVAP program.

罪案可能會造成身體或心理受傷,需要專業的醫療照顧。在不列顛哥倫比亞省,無論你是受害人, 受害人的直系家人,或者如果你目擊對與你有親密情感依戀的人干犯的危及生命或致命罪行,你可以申請心理輔導福利。

What are some psychological symptoms you could experience after a crime?

-Inability to extract enjoyment from everyday activities
-Withdrawal from social events and human contact
-Mood swings ranging from anger to frustration to guilt
-High levels of stress and anxiety
-Nightmares and disrupted sleep patterns such as insomnia
-New fears or phobias developing (such as fear of riding in a car)
-Post-traumatic stress disorder PTSD

- 退出社交活動和人際交往
- 情緒波動,從憤怒到沮喪再到內疚
- 高度的壓力和焦慮
- 噩夢和擾亂的睡眠模式,如失眠
- 出現新的恐懼或恐懼症(例如害怕坐車)

-創傷後壓力症候群 PTSD

How much does it cost for CVAP counselling?
CVAP 心理輔導費用是多少?

CVAP covers 100% and you do not have to pay for your counselling.

CVAP 100% 資助你心理輔導,你無需支付費用。

How do I apply for CVAP counselling benefits and how many CVAP counselling sessions will they cover? 
我如何申請 CVAP 心理輔導福利, 以及它們將涵蓋多少次 CVAP 心理輔導?

Our Counsellors could assist you in your application: call 1-866-660-3888 OR complete an online form and email the CVAP program

你可以致電 1-866-660-3888。或者你可以聯繫我們尋求幫助。

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